Topic outline

  • Online Mentoring Development Programme

    About this course

    This practical programme has been run successfully for many years for the Association of Anaesthetist by Coaching and Mentoring Consultants, an established provider of Mentoring Training in the NHS.

    The online programme retains the distinctive elements which have made the face-to-face programme such a powerful learning experience.

    The programme develops mentoring skills which can be used both in formal mentoring and also in a range of leadership and clinical situations with staff, colleagues and patients. It aims to develop participants’ abilities to enable others rather than prescribe solutions. Developing these skills can be both challenging and rewarding for those whose professional culture is that of expert helping.

    • Define what mentoring is and isn’t
    • Develop a working knowledge of one framework for mentoring: Egan’s The Skilled Helper model (2010)
    • Practise and develop their mentoring skills
    • Consider how to use the model and skills appropriately at work

    There is a mixture of taught inputs, demonstration by tutors, small group skills practice, group discussions, and pairs work. Participants spend a significant proportion of time practising skills. They work with a facilitator, learning from the roles of mentor, mentee, and observer. Participants bring real issues to discuss in the mentee role: there is no ‘role playing’. Reflective practice is expected between sessions. Practical and professional issues arising from mentoring are discussed and participants are encouraged to plan how they will take forward the skills back at work.

    The tutor team is Julia Pokora and Dr June Smailes. Also contributing will be Dr Nancy Redfern, the Association of Anaesthetists Mentoring Lead. The Programme handbook, Coaching and Mentoring at Work (Connor and Pokora 2017) is co-authored by Julia, and is a best-selling text in its 3rd edition.

  • Evaluations

    We would be very grateful if you could please complete the evaluations below for this course. As it is our first time offering this course in a fully virtual format, your feedback is very valuable to us. 

  • Materials - Session 6

  • Materials - Sessions 4 & 5

  • Materials - Sessions 1-3

    Please ensure that you have read through these documents beforehand, and have the materials printed out ready for the first session. 

  • Dates

    • Session 1: Wednesday January 20th
    • Session 2: Thursday January 21st
    • Session 3: Monday January 25th
    • Session 4: Thursday February 25th
    • Session 5: Friday February 26th
    • Session 6: Thursday March 25th